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Getting started together

Innovation processes progress in unexpected ways. In order to facilitate them successfully, additional skills are needed besides efficient planning. Unpredictable situations can be constructively incorporated by using an approach that is open-minded, transparent and creative. This makes it possible both to identify potential risks and tap into unexpected opportunities.

In public administration, terms such as project and plan are often associated with very specific bureaucratic and organizational processes. For this reason, the term venture has been selected for the approach adopted in this book. This is to illustrate that innovation processes cannot be carried out by means of conventional project management: they require structured exploration and impact-oriented experimentation.

Every venture needs a certain amount of preparation in order to be able to proceed deliberately but with a healthy sense of curiosity. Planning a successful innovation process requires concentration, time and patience. After all, the real achievement is to combine the old with the new, not to play them off against each other.

Fundamental questions can be clarified during the preparation phase. If you find that both you and your working environment are evolving and changing in the midst of this process, proceed with curiosity and an open mind. Stay bold and look forward to a process that will not just provide structure and support but above all reveal fresh perspectives. Innovation processes thrive on people who are prepared to handle uncertainty in a creative way.

It’s great to have you join us on the journey!

Phase objective and stages

In the preparation phase, a draft is drawn up that outlines an existing problem and a rough Process Flow. This basic outline provides an initial orientation framework for further communication and enables a suitable team to be assembled. The aim of the preparation phase is to come up with a plan for the venture as a whole that can be easily communicated. This plan ultimately serves as a starting point for a successful launch as well as providing guidance throughout the innovation process.


Stage 1

Consider the current situation

What is going well right now? What isn’t going so well?

Stage 2

Plan the process

Schedule appointments, resources, and time periods.

Stage 3

Identify and analyze the stakeholders

Identify all stakeholders and structure and assemble the team based on members’ expertise.

Stage 4

Create a working basis

Draw on methodological tools for collaboration and promote a constructive approach in the team.

Stage 5

Start the venture

Summarize the preparations so as to gain support from supervisors and other stakeholders.